Welcome to CLAYTAP
Your Ultimate Productivity and Collaboration Hub

Effortlessly Organize, Collaborate, and Create! ClayTap offers a natural way to shape your thoughts, emulating the familiar pen and paper approach. Capture your ideas, explore new possibilities, and bring them to life with ClayTap.

Your Mind Is Unique

Mirror the way your mind works and create an operating system for your life.

Get more done

Maximize Time Management Using CLAYTAP Calendar

Visualize, and prioritize your day including all your meeting to-dos in one place. Claytap's calendar is a centralized place for your thoughts, meeting notes, and to-dos.

  • 01.

    Import events with our Google Calendar integration

  • 02.

    Organize your thoughts one day at a time

  • 04.

    Customization and Personalization

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Collaborate and get more done

From idea to next big thing ClayBoards are a place to visually collaborate and brainstorm with your team.

Visualize Every Imagination Comes To Mind on Clayboard
Brainstorm visual workspace that brings teams together to collaborate and make faster decisions.
Collaborate in realtime
Get your team on the same page, literally! Share and edit documents in real-time alongside your team.
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Digital Organizing

Personal Digital Planner

A natural fit for a digital planner. Create the perfect doc or wiki with nested pages and styling options with ease. Embed bookmarks, add tables, and more to format documents for any need, from roadmaps to wikis and personal notes.

Enhanced Organization
Keep your information structured and easily accessible.
Increased Productivity
Quickly format and customize documents to fit your specific needs, saving time and effort.
Versatile Usage
Adapt your planner for various purposes.